====== Software and Online Servises ====== LiRI also has licences for a varity of software both for experiment presentation and data analysis. These are available both for loan with a laptop or on a dedicated data processing system in the lab. LiRI also hosts its own RedCap server for research data collection and serveys. LiII also has a lab subscription to the Gorilla online experiment platform. ===== Experiment Presentation ===== We generally recoment using open experiment presentation pacages like Psychopy but, we do also have licence for the following * Presentation (Currently installed in EEGBooth5). * ePrime * Experiment Builder * Tobii Pro Lab ===== Data Alalysis ===== * Tobii Pro Lab and Analyser * DataViewer * BrainVision Analyzer * LENA Pro ===== Online Services ===== LiRI also hosts its own [[https://redcap.linguistik.uzh.ch|RedCap]] server for research data collection and serveys. LiRI also has a lab subscription to the Gorilla online experiment platform.