Linguistic Application Development

One of the Language Technology group's core competencies is the development of custom-made applications. Most applications we have developed to date are either made to facilitate exploration of language data in interactive ways, using innovative visualization techniques, or to serve as annotation tools. Our expertise includes:

Examples of our work

Interactive map-based applications

Stimmen der Schweiz – interactive web interface used for visualisation and exploration of the individual language regions in Switzerland according to the respective linguistic conditions

Syntaktischer Atlas der deutschen Schweiz – interactive web interface which allows geographical and linguistic visualisation and exploration in the areas of phonology, morphology and lexis

MIRA – web application for management, annotation and exploration of geolinguistic data

Tools for managing research data

GallRom – multi-purpose application for storing digitized historic documents (corpus tool), structural querying and annotatation of this corpus (linguistic research tool), managing complex document metadata and associated secondary literature (bibliography tool), as well as writing dictionary articles based on primary and secondary sources (lexicographical tool).

Répertoire critique des manuscrits littéraires en ancien occitan (RC) – web application for exploration of annotated manuscripts