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Publication Time

Each publication is determined by its (publication) date. The corresponding time is given for about 15% of the publications.

decade ~0 ~1 ~2 ~3 ~4 ~5 ~6 ~7 ~8 ~9 total proportion cumulative
1910     74     842   1 028     957     824     844     851     634     780 6834 0.02% 0.02%
1920     810     830     711     786     977   1 406   1 960   1 673   1 765   2 102 13020 0.05% 0.07%
1930   2 157     643   1 877   2 063   3 159   1 790   1 301   1 801   1 720   3 009 19520 0.07% 0.14%
1940   2 332   1 768   1 746   1 729   1 865   2 504   1 770   1 623     31   1 881 17249 0.06% 0.21%
1950   2 107   2 207   2 272   2 416   2 697   4 432   3 149   4 948   3 591   3 549 31368 0.11% 0.32%
1960   3 669   3 933   4 204   4 541   4 886   4 665   4 797   4 342   7 760   4 994 47791 0.17% 0.49%
1970   4 389   4 204   4 229   4 226   5 343   5 404   5 134   5 762   5 878   7 249 51818 0.19% 0.68%
1980   7 930     270     351     640     757   1 092     914   1 088   7 592   13 101 33735 0.12% 0.80%
1990   3 582   4 277   5 756   22 382   107 706   140 399   178 435   210 427   304 340   414 618 1391922 5.06% 5.86%
2000   526 972   546 669   611 208   586 772   658 652   698 569   785 693   876 363   974 611 1 029 259 7294768 26.51% 32.37%
2010   975 753   955 226   999 458 1 045 971 1 040 584 1 037 264 1 156 121 1 175 840 1 306 296 1 326 510 11019023 40.04% 72.42%
2020 1 510 599 1 635 086 1 592 060 1 406 173 1 387 369   58 720 7590007 27.58% 100.00%
langtech/swissdox/core/pubtime.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/18 16:40 by

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